Good First Issue curates easy pickings from popular open-source projects, and helps you make your first contribution to open-source.
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vesoft-inc / nebula 10 issues
A distributed, fast open-source graph database featuring horizontal scalability and high availability
lang: C++
stars: 8.87K
last activity: 33 minutes ago
ethereum / solidity 10 issues
Solidity, the Smart Contract Programming Language
lang: C++
stars: 19.74K
last activity: 3 hours ago
mlpack / mlpack 10 issues
mlpack: a fast, header-only C++ machine learning library
lang: C++
stars: 4.32K
last activity: 2 days ago
ArduPilot / ardupilot 10 issues
ArduPlane, ArduCopter, ArduRover, ArduSub source
lang: C++
stars: 8.18K
last activity: 21 minutes ago
owncloud / client 10 issues
🖥️ Desktop Syncing Client for ownCloud
lang: C++
stars: 1.34K
last activity: 11 minutes ago
supercollider / supercollider 10 issues
An audio server, programming language, and IDE for sound synthesis and algorithmic composition.
lang: C++
stars: 4.67K
last activity: 3 hours ago
AcademySoftwareFoundation / openvdb 4 issues
OpenVDB - Sparse volume data structure and tools
lang: C++
stars: 2.02K
last activity: 8 days ago
ripple / rippled 10 issues
Decentralized cryptocurrency blockchain daemon implementing the XRP Ledger protocol in C++
lang: C++
stars: 4.28K
last activity: 13 hours ago
GameFoundry / bsf 7 issues
Modern C++14 library for the development of real-time graphical applications
lang: C++
stars: 1.68K
last activity: 3 years ago
clab / dynet 6 issues
DyNet: The Dynamic Neural Network Toolkit
lang: C++
stars: 3.35K
last activity: 4 months ago
LMMS / lmms 10 issues
Cross-platform music production software
lang: C++
stars: 6.55K
last activity: 11 hours ago
AtomicGameEngine / AtomicGameEngine 6 issues
The Atomic Game Engine is a multi-platform 2D and 3D engine with a consistent API in C++, C#, JavaScript, and TypeScript
lang: C++
stars: 2.88K
last activity: 6 months ago
OpenGenus / cosmos 10 issues
World's largest Contributor driven code dataset | Used in Quark Search Engine, @OpenGenus IQ, OpenGenus Visual Project
lang: C++
stars: 13.32K
last activity: 16 days ago
Arsenic-ATG / Qt-calculator 1 issue
A simple GUI calculator🧮 built using C++
lang: C++
stars: 32
last activity: a day ago
tensorflow / tensorflow 2 issues
An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone
lang: C++
stars: 172.26K
last activity: 14 minutes ago
iovisor / bpftrace 5 issues
High-level tracing language for Linux eBPF
lang: C++
stars: 6.54K
last activity: 3 days ago
gnuradio / gnuradio 10 issues
GNU Radio – the Free and Open Software Radio Ecosystem
lang: C++
stars: 4.2K
last activity: 20 hours ago
pytorch / pytorch 10 issues
Tensors and Dynamic neural networks in Python with strong GPU acceleration
lang: C++
stars: 64.15K
last activity: 3 minutes ago
justadudewhohacks / opencv4nodejs 10 issues
Nodejs bindings to OpenCV 3 and OpenCV 4
lang: C++
stars: 4.72K
last activity: 11 days ago
appleseedhq / appleseed 10 issues
A modern open source rendering engine for animation and visual effects
lang: C++
stars: 2.01K
last activity: a year ago
eclipse / omr 10 issues
Eclipse OMR™ Cross platform components for building reliable, high performance language runtimes
lang: C++
stars: 906
last activity: 14 hours ago
openchemistry / avogadrolibs 7 issues
Avogadro libraries provide 3D rendering, visualization, analysis and data processing useful in computational chemistry, molecular modeling, bioinformatics, materials science, and related areas.
lang: C++
stars: 295
last activity: 17 hours ago
dmlc / xgboost 3 issues
Scalable, Portable and Distributed Gradient Boosting (GBDT, GBRT or GBM) Library, for Python, R, Java, Scala, C++ and more. Runs on single machine, Hadoop, Spark, Dask, Flink and DataFlow
lang: C++
stars: 23.88K
last activity: an hour ago
OpenRCT2 / OpenRCT2 10 issues
An open source re-implementation of RollerCoaster Tycoon 2 🎢
lang: C++
stars: 11.55K
last activity: 13 hours ago
bitcoin / bitcoin 10 issues
Bitcoin Core integration/staging tree
lang: C++
stars: 68.7K
last activity: 2 hours ago
pytorch / glow 10 issues
Compiler for Neural Network hardware accelerators
lang: C++
stars: 2.93K
last activity: 18 hours ago
tzapu / WiFiManager 10 issues
ESP8266 WiFi Connection manager with web captive portal
lang: C++
stars: 5.72K
last activity: 5 days ago
brndnmtthws / conky 9 issues
Light-weight system monitor for X, Wayland, and other things, too
lang: C++
stars: 6.05K
last activity: 17 hours ago
stan-dev / stan 9 issues
Stan development repository. The master branch contains the current release. The develop branch contains the latest stable development. See the Developer Process Wiki for details.
lang: C++
stars: 2.39K
last activity: 13 hours ago
newsboat / newsboat 6 issues
An RSS/Atom feed reader for text terminals
lang: C++
stars: 2.38K
last activity: 4 hours ago
zeek / zeek 5 issues
Zeek is a powerful network analysis framework that is much different from the typical IDS you may know.
lang: C++
stars: 5.07K
last activity: 43 minutes ago
panda3d / panda3d 10 issues
Powerful, mature open-source cross-platform game engine for Python and C++, developed by Disney and CMU
lang: C++
stars: 3.76K
last activity: 11 hours ago
xenia-project / xenia 10 issues
Xbox 360 Emulator Research Project
lang: C++
stars: 6.66K
last activity: 9 days ago
Stellarium / stellarium 10 issues
Stellarium is a free GPL software which renders realistic skies in real time with OpenGL. It is available for Linux/Unix, Windows and macOS. With Stellarium, you really see what you can see with your eyes, binoculars or a small telescope.
lang: C++
stars: 4.63K
last activity: 16 minutes ago
diasurgical / devilutionX 10 issues
Diablo build for modern operating systems
lang: C++
stars: 6.28K
last activity: 5 hours ago
valhalla / valhalla 10 issues
Open Source Routing Engine for OpenStreetMap
lang: C++
stars: 2.42K
last activity: 13 hours ago
wesnoth / wesnoth 10 issues
An open source, turn-based strategy game with a high fantasy theme.
lang: C++
stars: 4.32K
last activity: 6 hours ago
mapbox / mapbox-gl-native 6 issues
Interactive, thoroughly customizable maps in native Android, iOS, macOS, Node.js, and Qt applications, powered by vector tiles and OpenGL
lang: C++
stars: 4.26K
last activity: 2 months ago
PointCloudLibrary / pcl 10 issues
Point Cloud Library (PCL)
lang: C++
stars: 8.29K
last activity: 7 days ago
apache / trafficserver 10 issues
Apache Traffic Server™ is a fast, scalable and extensible HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2 compliant caching proxy server.
lang: C++
stars: 1.57K
last activity: 10 hours ago
canonical / multipass 10 issues
Multipass orchestrates virtual Ubuntu instances
lang: C++
stars: 6.1K
last activity: 24 minutes ago
fish-shell / fish-shell 9 issues
The user-friendly command line shell.
lang: C++
stars: 21.19K
last activity: 10 hours ago
cztomczak / cefpython 8 issues
Python bindings for the Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF)
lang: C++
stars: 2.85K
last activity: a year ago
RetroShare / RetroShare 10 issues
RetroShare is a Free and Open Source cross-platform, Friend-2-Friend and secure decentralised communication platform.
lang: C++
stars: 1.53K
last activity: 3 days ago
apache / incubator-mxnet 8 issues
Lightweight, Portable, Flexible Distributed/Mobile Deep Learning with Dynamic, Mutation-aware Dataflow Dep Scheduler; for Python, R, Julia, Scala, Go, Javascript and more
lang: C++
stars: 20.32K
last activity: 21 days ago
mumble-voip / mumble 10 issues
Mumble is an open-source, low-latency, high quality voice chat software.
lang: C++
stars: 5.31K
last activity: 2 days ago
rapidsai / cuml 10 issues
cuML - RAPIDS Machine Learning Library
lang: C++
stars: 3.2K
last activity: 8 hours ago
CleverRaven / Cataclysm-DDA 10 issues
Cataclysm - Dark Days Ahead. A turn-based survival game set in a post-apocalyptic world.
lang: C++
stars: 8.36K
last activity: 15 minutes ago
4paradigm / OpenMLDB 4 issues
OpenMLDB is an open-source machine learning database that provides a feature platform computing consistent features for training and inference.
lang: C++
stars: 1.34K
last activity: 11 minutes ago
p4lang / behavioral-model 3 issues
The reference P4 software switch
lang: C++
stars: 439
last activity: 7 days ago
OpenTTD / OpenTTD 10 issues
OpenTTD is an open source simulation game based upon Transport Tycoon Deluxe
lang: C++
stars: 4.7K
last activity: 16 hours ago
Icinga / icinga2 10 issues
The core of our monitoring platform with a powerful configuration language and REST API.
lang: C++
stars: 1.82K
last activity: an hour ago
slic3r / Slic3r 10 issues
Open Source toolpath generator for 3D printers
lang: C++
stars: 3.05K
last activity: a month ago