Good First Issue curates easy pickings from popular open-source projects, and helps you make your first contribution to open-source.
Browse by language
jenkins-x / jx 7 issues
Jenkins X provides automated CI+CD for Kubernetes with Preview Environments on Pull Requests using Cloud Native pipelines from Tekton
lang: Go
stars: 4.35K
last activity: a day ago
brigadecore / brigade 2 issues
Event-driven scripting for Kubernetes
lang: Go
stars: 2.38K
last activity: 14 days ago
Factom-Asset-Tokens / fatd 5 issues
FAT Golang Reference Implementation & Daemon
lang: Go
stars: 11
last activity: 2 years ago
GoogleContainerTools / kaniko 10 issues
Build Container Images In Kubernetes
lang: Go
stars: 12K
last activity: 16 hours ago
Terraform AWS provider
lang: Go
stars: 8.34K
last activity: an hour ago
okteto / okteto 4 issues
Develop your applications directly in your Kubernetes Cluster
lang: Go
stars: 2.83K
last activity: 11 hours ago
crossplaneio / crossplane 3 issues
Cloud Native Control Planes
lang: Go
stars: 6.75K
last activity: 3 hours ago
containers / libpod 10 issues
Podman: A tool for managing OCI containers and pods.
lang: Go
stars: 17.25K
last activity: 18 minutes ago
kubernetes / test-infra 3 issues
Test infrastructure for the Kubernetes project.
lang: Go
stars: 3.58K
last activity: 11 minutes ago
weaveworks / weave 7 issues
Simple, resilient multi-host containers networking and more.
lang: Go
stars: 6.44K
last activity: 24 days ago
telepresenceio / telepresence 1 issue
Local development against a remote Kubernetes or OpenShift cluster
lang: Go
stars: 5.68K
last activity: 9 hours ago
cortexlabs / cortex 1 issue
Production infrastructure for machine learning at scale
lang: Go
stars: 7.91K
last activity: 17 days ago
graph-gophers / graphql-go 4 issues
GraphQL server with a focus on ease of use
lang: Go
stars: 4.42K
last activity: 7 days ago
weaveworks / ignite 10 issues
Ignite a Firecracker microVM
lang: Go
stars: 3.29K
last activity: 5 days ago
kumahq / kuma 10 issues
🐻 The multi-zone service mesh for containers, Kubernetes and VMs. Built with Envoy. CNCF Sandbox Project.
lang: Go
stars: 3.1K
last activity: 8 minutes ago
docker-slim / docker-slim 8 issues
Slim(toolkit): Don't change anything in your container image and minify it by up to 30x (and for compiled languages even more) making it secure too! (free and open source)
lang: Go
stars: 16.32K
last activity: a day ago
kubearmor / kubearmor 10 issues
Cloud-native Runtime Security Enforcement System. [CNCF Sandbox Project]
lang: Go
stars: 634
last activity: a day ago
fortio / fortio 5 issues
Fortio load testing library, command line tool, advanced echo server and web UI in go (golang). Allows to specify a set query-per-second load and record latency histograms and other useful stats.
lang: Go
stars: 2.86K
last activity: 17 hours ago
knative / serving 9 issues
Kubernetes-based, scale-to-zero, request-driven compute
lang: Go
stars: 4.91K
last activity: 6 minutes ago
chaos-mesh / chaos-mesh 6 issues
A Chaos Engineering Platform for Kubernetes.
lang: Go
stars: 5.57K
last activity: a day ago
activecm / rita 8 issues
Real Intelligence Threat Analytics (RITA) is a framework for detecting command and control communication through network traffic analysis.
lang: Go
stars: 2.14K
last activity: 10 hours ago
concourse / concourse 10 issues
Concourse is a container-based continuous thing-doer written in Go.
lang: Go
stars: 6.8K
last activity: 4 days ago
zitadel / zitadel 10 issues
ZITADEL - The best of Auth0 and Keycloak combined. Built for the serverless era.
lang: Go
stars: 2.88K
last activity: 27 minutes ago
jaegertracing / jaeger 10 issues
CNCF Jaeger, a Distributed Tracing Platform
lang: Go
stars: 17.34K
last activity: 5 hours ago
argoproj / argo 10 issues
Workflow engine for Kubernetes
lang: Go
stars: 12.66K
last activity: 2 hours ago
GoogleContainerTools / skaffold 8 issues
Easy and Repeatable Kubernetes Development
lang: Go
stars: 13.81K
last activity: 17 hours ago
helm / helm 10 issues
The Kubernetes Package Manager
lang: Go
stars: 23.96K
last activity: 13 hours ago
grafana / loki 10 issues
Like Prometheus, but for logs.
lang: Go
stars: 18.61K
last activity: 6 minutes ago
sourcegraph / sourcegraph 10 issues
Code Intelligence Platform
lang: Go
stars: 7.47K
last activity: 3 minutes ago
Terraform provider for Azure Resource Manager
lang: Go
stars: 3.89K
last activity: 4 minutes ago
vmware-tanzu / velero 10 issues
Backup and migrate Kubernetes applications and their persistent volumes
lang: Go
stars: 7.13K
last activity: 41 minutes ago
goreleaser / goreleaser 2 issues
Deliver Go binaries as fast and easily as possible
lang: Go
stars: 11.35K
last activity: 2 hours ago
ethereum / go-ethereum 6 issues
Official Go implementation of the Ethereum protocol
lang: Go
stars: 41.57K
last activity: 29 minutes ago
hewiefreeman / GopherGameServer 2 issues
🏆 Feature packed, easy-to-use game server API for Go back-ends and Javascript clients. Tutorials and examples included!
lang: Go
stars: 125
last activity: a year ago
pyroscope-io / pyroscope 10 issues
Continuous Profiling Platform. Debug performance issues down to a single line of code
lang: Go
stars: 7.44K
last activity: 2 days ago
prysmaticlabs / prysm 10 issues
Go implementation of Ethereum proof of stake
lang: Go
stars: 3.04K
last activity: an hour ago
tektoncd / pipeline 10 issues
A cloud-native Pipeline resource.
lang: Go
stars: 7.74K
last activity: 4 hours ago
grpc-ecosystem / grpc-gateway 10 issues
gRPC to JSON proxy generator following the gRPC HTTP spec
lang: Go
stars: 15.14K
last activity: 7 hours ago
DiFronzo / blockchair 3 issues
💰 Go (golang) client for the blockchair.com API
lang: Go
stars: 5
last activity: 2 months ago
linkerd / linkerd2 10 issues
Ultralight, security-first service mesh for Kubernetes. Main repo for Linkerd 2.x.
lang: Go
stars: 9.43K
last activity: 2 hours ago
gizak / termui 10 issues
Golang terminal dashboard
lang: Go
stars: 12.41K
last activity: 4 months ago
smallstep / certificates 7 issues
🛡️ A private certificate authority (X.509 & SSH) & ACME server for secure automated certificate management, so you can use TLS everywhere & SSO for SSH.
lang: Go
stars: 5.15K
last activity: 7 hours ago
meshery / meshery 6 issues
Meshery, the cloud native manager
lang: Go
stars: 1.92K
last activity: 44 minutes ago
kiali / kiali 8 issues
Kiali project, observability for the Istio service mesh
lang: Go
stars: 3.06K
last activity: 17 hours ago
portainer / portainer 10 issues
Making Docker and Kubernetes management easy.
lang: Go
stars: 24.94K
last activity: 4 hours ago
syncthing / syncthing 5 issues
Open Source Continuous File Synchronization
lang: Go
stars: 50.14K
last activity: 4 hours ago
purpleidea / mgmt 10 issues
Next generation distributed, event-driven, parallel config management!
lang: Go
stars: 3.1K
last activity: 5 days ago
googleforgames / agones 10 issues
Dedicated Game Server Hosting and Scaling for Multiplayer Games on Kubernetes
lang: Go
stars: 5.12K
last activity: 15 hours ago
bancodobrasil / stop-analyzing-api 8 issues
Stop Analyzing API is the core module of Tinder like tool to help your customers make up their mind with no pain
lang: Go
stars: 20
last activity: 2 years ago
aws / amazon-vpc-cni-k8s 5 issues
Networking plugin repository for pod networking in Kubernetes using Elastic Network Interfaces on AWS
lang: Go
stars: 2.02K
last activity: 24 minutes ago
go-swagger / go-swagger 8 issues
Swagger 2.0 implementation for go
lang: Go
stars: 8.46K
last activity: 14 hours ago
milvus-io / milvus 10 issues
A cloud-native vector database with high-performance and high scalability.
lang: Go
stars: 15.44K
last activity: 6 minutes ago
keptn / keptn 5 issues
Cloud-native application life-cycle orchestration. Keptn automates your SLO-driven multi-stage delivery and operations & remediation of your applications.
lang: Go
stars: 1.69K
last activity: 34 minutes ago
hasura / gitkube 8 issues
Build and deploy docker images to Kubernetes using git push
lang: Go
stars: 3.72K
last activity: a year ago
jetstack / cert-manager 10 issues
Automatically provision and manage TLS certificates in Kubernetes
lang: Go
stars: 10.1K
last activity: an hour ago
buzzfeed / sso 8 issues
sso, aka S.S.Octopus, aka octoboi, is a single sign-on solution for securing internal services
lang: Go
stars: 3K
last activity: 25 days ago
mattermost / mattermost-server 10 issues
Mattermost is an open source platform for secure collaboration across the entire software development lifecycle.
lang: Go
stars: 25.01K
last activity: 5 minutes ago
kubernetes / dashboard 8 issues
General-purpose web UI for Kubernetes clusters
lang: Go
stars: 12.37K
last activity: a day ago
buildpacks / pack 9 issues
CLI for building apps using Cloud Native Buildpacks
lang: Go
stars: 1.94K
last activity: 5 hours ago
weaveworks / footloose 8 issues
Container Machines - Containers that look like Virtual Machines
lang: Go
stars: 1.57K
last activity: 2 months ago
loadimpact / k6 4 issues
A modern load testing tool, using Go and JavaScript - https://k6.io
lang: Go
stars: 19.84K
last activity: 4 days ago
cockroachdb / cockroach 10 issues
CockroachDB - the open source, cloud-native distributed SQL database.
lang: Go
stars: 26.79K
last activity: 14 minutes ago
dapr / dapr 10 issues
Dapr is a portable, event-driven, runtime for building distributed applications across cloud and edge.
lang: Go
stars: 20.75K
last activity: 15 minutes ago
thanos-io / thanos 10 issues
Highly available Prometheus setup with long term storage capabilities. A CNCF Incubating project.
lang: Go
stars: 11.55K
last activity: an hour ago
MontFerret / ferret 5 issues
Declarative web scraping
lang: Go
stars: 5.25K
last activity: 14 days ago
lightningnetwork / lnd 10 issues
Lightning Network Daemon ⚡️
lang: Go
stars: 6.78K
last activity: 2 hours ago
argoproj / argo-cd 10 issues
Declarative continuous deployment for Kubernetes.
lang: Go
stars: 12.46K
last activity: 4 hours ago
hashicorp / packer 6 issues
Packer is a tool for creating identical machine images for multiple platforms from a single source configuration.
lang: Go
stars: 14.32K
last activity: 11 hours ago
tendermint / tendermint 10 issues
⟁ Tendermint Core (BFT Consensus) in Go
lang: Go
stars: 5.45K
last activity: 20 hours ago
cosmos / cosmos-sdk 10 issues
⛓ A Framework for Building High Value Public Blockchains ✨
lang: Go
stars: 5.04K
last activity: an hour ago
goharbor / harbor 3 issues
An open source trusted cloud native registry project that stores, signs, and scans content.
lang: Go
stars: 19.64K
last activity: 24 minutes ago
alexellis / arkade 5 issues
Open Source Marketplace For Kubernetes
lang: Go
stars: 3.38K
last activity: 17 hours ago
weaveworks / eksctl 10 issues
The official CLI for Amazon EKS
lang: Go
stars: 4.37K
last activity: an hour ago
external-secrets / external-secrets 10 issues
External Secrets Operator reads information from a third-party service like AWS Secrets Manager and automatically injects the values as Kubernetes Secrets.
lang: Go
stars: 2.45K
last activity: 12 hours ago
kubernetes-sigs / krew 1 issue
📦 Find and install kubectl plugins
lang: Go
stars: 5.43K
last activity: 22 days ago
rclone / rclone 10 issues
"rsync for cloud storage" - Google Drive, S3, Dropbox, Backblaze B2, One Drive, Swift, Hubic, Wasabi, Google Cloud Storage, Yandex Files
lang: Go
stars: 37.57K
last activity: 12 hours ago
kubeapps / kubeapps 1 issue
A web-based UI for deploying and managing applications in Kubernetes clusters
lang: Go
stars: 4.51K
last activity: 6 hours ago
gophish / gophish 10 issues
Open-Source Phishing Toolkit
lang: Go
stars: 8.76K
last activity: 17 days ago
smallstep / cli 7 issues
🧰 A zero trust swiss army knife for working with X509, OAuth, JWT, OATH OTP, etc.
lang: Go
stars: 2.93K
last activity: 7 hours ago
kubernetes / minikube 10 issues
Run Kubernetes locally
lang: Go
stars: 26.09K
last activity: 10 hours ago
kubernetes / kubernetes 10 issues
Production-Grade Container Scheduling and Management
lang: Go
stars: 96.79K
last activity: 5 minutes ago
containers / skopeo 4 issues
Work with remote images registries - retrieving information, images, signing content
lang: Go
stars: 5.82K
last activity: 15 hours ago
google / gvisor 10 issues
Application Kernel for Containers
lang: Go
stars: 13.61K
last activity: 8 hours ago
elastic / beats 10 issues
🐠 Beats - Lightweight shippers for Elasticsearch & Logstash
lang: Go
stars: 11.57K
last activity: 22 minutes ago
gomods / athens 9 issues
A Go module datastore and proxy
lang: Go
stars: 4.07K
last activity: a day ago
go-gitea / gitea 10 issues
Git with a cup of tea, painless self-hosted git service
lang: Go
stars: 35.38K
last activity: 22 minutes ago
projectcontour / contour 10 issues
Contour is a Kubernetes ingress controller using Envoy proxy.
lang: Go
stars: 3.35K
last activity: 10 hours ago
gruntwork-io / terragrunt 10 issues
Terragrunt is a thin wrapper for Terraform that provides extra tools for working with multiple Terraform modules.
lang: Go
stars: 6.66K
last activity: 19 hours ago
spaceuptech / space-cloud 10 issues
Open source Firebase + Heroku to develop, scale and secure serverless apps on Kubernetes
lang: Go
stars: 3.75K
last activity: 5 hours ago